Salt & Mineral
Swimming Pool Chlorination
An AquaJoy salt or mineral water chlorination system is a chlorine generator that produces its own 100% available chlorine on-site to meet the chlorine demand and sanitation needs of your swimming pool.
With no chlorine chemicals to purchase, handle, or store, it is a much safer alternative to manual or semi-automatic chlorine dosing systems.
The AquaJoy salt water chlorinator consists of two main components:
Power Pack: Supplies low voltage power to the cell.
Cell: An electrolytic cell.
As salt water passes over the electrolytic cell, the process of electrolysis produces 100% available chlorine, which is then evenly dispersed throughout your swimming pool during the normal filtration cycle.
The advantages of salt water chlorination for swimming pools include:
Effective sanitisation
Pleasant water feel
No red eyes from prolonged swimming
Increased convenience and safety
Lower chemical costs
Suitable for asthma and hay fever sufferers, allowing them to swim comfortably without adverse symptoms
The AquaJoy Cell is plumbed into the return to pool line after the filter, heater and pressure pool cleaner line.
The AquaJoy Power Pack is mounted on a wall or post in close proximity to the cell.
Salt or a Mineral blend mix is added to the pool water, at a rate of 5 kilograms for every 1000 litres to achieve a desired salt level of 5000 ppm (parts per million).
This salinity level is 1/7th (one seventh) the strength of sea water, it is so mild it is actually pleasant to taste.
Salt needs to be replaced only when water is lost from the pool (except via evaporation). Evaporation of water will only concentrate the salt level and will be diluted again when the pool level is topped up.
Water may flow either way through the inlet/outlet ports on the cell, (ie. cell may be installed reversed).
Gas and electric heaters require the AquaJoy Cell to be installed at a minimum of one metre from heater outlets. The AquaJoy Cell must be installed in a horizontal position to ensure the gas detection sensor functions as designed.